The Earthly Branches (地支) are a set of 12 characters used in ancient Chinese calendar systems and astrology, they also used to represent cycles of time, space, and natural phenomena.

12-EARTHLY-BRANCHES 十二支 {#12-earthly-branches}

Duduan (Independent Judgment) of Cai Yong wiki states, there are 12 EARTHLY-BRANCHES wiki

  • B0NORTH (zǐ)
  • B1N30E (chǒu)
  • B2E30N (yín)
  • B3EAST (mǎo)
  • B4E30S (chén)
  • B5S30E (sì)
  • B6SOUTH (wǔ)
  • B7S30W (wèi)
  • B8W30S (shēn)
  • B9WEST (yǒu)
  • BAW30N (xū)
  • BBN30W (hài)

12-EARTHLY-BRANCH correspondance with 4-SEASONS {#12-earthly-branches-x-4-seasons}

  • B2E30N, B3EAST, B4E30S correspond to spring ㊍WOOD
  • B5S30E, B6SOUTH, B7S30W correspond to summer ㊋FIRE
  • B8W30S, B9WEST, BAW30N correspond to autumn ㊎METAL
  • BBN30W, B0NORTH, B1N30E correspond to winter ㊌WATER

12-EARTHLY BRANCH correspondance with 2-FORMS {#12-earthly-branches-x-2-forms}

  • B0NORTH, B2E30N, B4E30S, B6SOUTH, B8W30S, BAW30N correspond to YANG
  • B1N30E, B3EAST, B5S30E, B7S30W, B9WEST, BBN30W correspond to YIN


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  • B8W30S, B0NORTH and B4E30S are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊌WATER
  • BBN30W, B3EAST and B7S30W are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊍WOOD
  • B2E30N, B6SOUTH and BAW30N are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊋FIRE
  • B5S30E, B9WEST and B1N30E are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊎METAL

Kaoyuan (Investigation of Origins) ctext states: TRIO-HARMONY are formed by uniting the stages of G0长生Growth, G4帝旺Prosperity, and G8Tomb to create groups.

  • WATER is grown in B8W30S, prospers in B0NORTH, and is tombed in B4E30S, thus, B8W30S, B0NORTH and B4E30S are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊌WATER.
  • WOOD is grown in BBN30W, prospers in B3EAST, and is tombed in B7S30W, thus, BBN30W, B3EAST and B7S30W are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊍WOOD.
  • FIRE is grown in B2E30N, prospers in B6SOUTH, and is tombed in BAW30N, thus, B2E30N, B6SOUTH and BAW30N are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊋FIRE.
  • METAL is grown in B5S30E, prospers in B9WEST, and is tombed in B1N30E, thus, B5S30E, B9WEST and B1N30E are TRIO-HARMONY of ㊎METAL.


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  • B0NORTH and B1N30E are DUO-HARMONY
  • B2E30N and BBN30W are DUO-HARMONY
  • B4E30S and B9WEST are DUO-HARMONY
  • B5S30E and B8W30S are DUO-HARMONY
  • B6SOUTH and B7S30W are DUO-HARMONY

Lihai Ji ctext states: The Yin-Yang theorists explain the six DUO-HARMONY in the EARTHLY BRANCHES based on the interactions of the Sun and Moon:

  • When the Sun and Moon meet in B0AGR, the Dipper shifts to B1N30E, when they meet in B1CAP, the Dipper shifts to B0NORTH, B0NORTH and B1N30E are DUO-HARMONY.
  • When the Sun and Moon meet in B2SGR, the Dipper shifts to BBN30W, when they meet in BBPIS, the Dipper shifts to B2E30N, B2E30N and BBN30W are DUO-HARMONY.
  • When the Sun and Moon meet in B3SCO, the Dipper shifts to BAW30N, when they meet in BAARI , the Dipper shifts to B3EAST, B3EAST and BAW30N are DUO-HARMONY.
  • When the Sun and Moon meet in B4LIB, the Dipper shifts to B9WEST, when they meet in B9TAU, the Dipper shifts to B4E30S, B4E30S and B9WEST are DUO-HARMONY.
  • When the Sun and Moon meet in B5VIR, the Dipper shifts to B8W30S, when they meet in B8GEM , the Dipper shifts to B5S30E, B5S30E and B8W30S are DUO-HARMONY.
  • When the Sun and Moon meet in B6LEO, the Dipper shifts to B7S30W, when they meet in B7CNC, the Dipper shifts to B6SOUTH, B6SOUTH and B7S30W are DUO-HARMONY.

Kaoyuan (Investigation of Origins) ctext states: The SIX-HARMONIES are paired harmony between Lunar Position (Dipper Direction) and Lunar Commander (Zodiac Position)

  • In the first lunar month, the Lunar Position is B2E30N, and the Lunar Commander is BBPIS, thus, B2E30N and BBN30W are DUO-HARMONY.
  • In the second month, the Lunar Position is B3EAST, and the Lunar Commander is BAARI, thus, B3EAST and BAW30N are DUO-HARMONY.
  • This pairing pattern is formed by the Lunar Position moving counterclockwise (left rotation) and the Lunar Commander moving clockwise (right rotation), aligning oppositely in position, hence creating the DUO-HARMONY.